Monday, January 26, 2009


If there is one thing I have to say about Linköping, it's a coffee-lover's paradise. There are cafe's around every corner, likely tailoring to the young population in the city. They can also be found in unexpected places, like this lighthouse I found today while riding back from the university hospital:

It was on top of a hill in a park across the street from the hospital, pretty much right on my way back. I went upstairs to take some pictures of the city. I felt like a jerk when I came back down to exploit the lady's bakery without actually buying something, so I did try something, and it was, indeed, delicious. Here are some of the pictures, I will have to return on a nicer day to get some better shots. I might go back just to study because the place was empty and so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I also wish the reflection of the lighting on the windows wasn't there... but such is life.

For a general update, I think I'll finally get to do some travelling and sight-seeing in the near future. It will be much better than the general weekend tradition of running errands and hitting HG, the student pub, at night. Gladly, the pub isn't a place for drunkards, drinking here is more social than it is for getting wasted, and it's nice to meet other exchange students while I'm out. We're planning a trip to Stockholm or Copenhagen the weekend after next and on Saturday I will be visiting the Swedish Air Force Museum, which is right outside of Linköping. I should probably mention that Linköping is pretty much the aviation capital of Sweden and one of the most technologically-apt cities in all of Europe. The university buildings were originally constructed by Saab and there is a Saab plant along the river. The country as a whole shares this trend; Sweden's most important exports are technological goods. To name a few examples: Nokia or Sony-Ericsson phones, or anything with an Ericsson nameplate, Volvo, Saab, and I'm sure I'll discover plenty of others. And oh I got a ticket for a 5-day trip to KIRUNA!!!! It's a city in the way north of Sweden, it has the ice hotel and magnificient views of the northern lights.

That is all for now. Keep me updated on UCONN!!!

Bringing up UCONN, I'm kinda-sorta pissed that I may miss one (or both... knock on wood) basketball teams potentially win a national championship.

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