Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finally in Sweden!!!

Hello! I landed in Sweden today and everything seems to be going smoothly thus far. My flight from London to Stockholm was delayed by about 3 hours, but it's ok because I got a hotel room at the airport. Granted, the room was a little expensive, but after waiting behind a party who took FOREVER to check in they gave me a free upgrade to business class.

So far I hardly feel like I'm in a different country, but that is likely because I haven't really left the airport just yet. Every Swede I've spoken to speaks perfect English; there is hardly any accent, they sound British if anything. The only issue here is that everything seems to be wicked expensive.

For humor on the side, I've already blown out my power converter. I think I'm just going to use shape adapters from here on in as all of my appliances are rated up to 240 V anyways.


  1. Glad you made it! That sucks about the delay (figures it was in London, lol), but at least you got a first class room. That must have been sweet. And that's good about them speaking English, too, since when I came through I couldn't understand a word of what anyone said (the Birmingham accent is notoriously unintelligible)!

    Sorry about your power converter--I'm having a similar issue because I need to charge up my camera battery, but I'm not sure if I need a converter or not, since I don't know how much voltage the charger can take.

    As for everything being expensive, do what I do: Pretend the exchange rate doesn't exist! ;)

  2. Yay! You landed!! I've never flown business class, how was that? On one flight I was on, I was right behind the business class. I ate my salty peanuts while I watched as they were served cheese and crackers platters. hehehe Then they put up a little red rope which I guess put up the magical class wall.
    Yeah the whole converted thing is always kind of a pain. I think in Ireland I used a shape converter, but in Germany, Paris and Belgium I used a actual power converter. I only blew out the power once in the house in Germany. haha

  3. ha just got around to looking at the blog

    i told u those things blow out
